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The Books: published

Jesus Messiah


For my first book on the new Testament (finished in 2003) I set out to investigate the title “Messiah”.  Apart from feeling that it had been neglected, both by the early councils and by theology generally, I thought it would be a safe theme for a beginner, keeping clear of the weightier and more heatedly debated themes of salvation, faith, atonement ...   I couldn’t have been more wrong.


Jesus Messiah draws on the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke, with a conclusion from the opening chapters of Acts.


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And On Earth Peace


An old priest tells of forgiveness from the heart of God, a young woman proclaims a radical revolution, and a child is born to fulfil the hopes of both.  Luke’s Gospel is a message to transform the Church and to change the world.  The Messiah is come, and neither the Church nor the world can be the same.


And On Earth Peace is the first of three books, each complete in itself, but together constituting a reflection (or a sermon if you like) on the Gospel according to Luke.


To sample more of the content, please click on the book cover.

On the Road to Jerusalem


Jesus with his disciples is making his way to Jerusalem, where the kingdom of God will be established.  For us, Luke makes it a journey through the teaching of Jesus, who shows us what the new world order will be like and challenges us to welcome it.


On the Road to Jerusalem is the second book of the trilogy on Luke's gospel.


To sample more of the content, please click on the book cover.

Enter the Kingdom


Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king, and then he spends his days teaching in the Temple.  Is it a revolution, or is it all about some different, spiritual world?  The kingdom of God has come, and the Messiah, its ruler, is crucified by the powers that rule Jerusalem, because God does not do power.  Jesus is risen, because God does do strength and energy and life.  The kingdom of God and of God's Messiah is a revolution that will save the world.


This is the third book of the trilogy, completing our reflection on Luke's gospel.


To sample more of the content, please click on the book cover.

A Letter to Thessalonica


Paul has high hopes for the Christian community in Thessalonica.  They are to be God’s flawless society, ready to meet the Messiah Jesus when he comes.  A tall order, but it will be done, because Godself has taken on the task and will see it through.


A Letter to Thessalonica is the first of a series of books reflecting on the letters of Paul.


To sample more of the content, please click on the book cover.

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